Information|Rules|Adopt|Residents|Fostered|Breeding|Racing and Showing|Messageboard|Contact
Fostered Ponies
51-Versali's Indian Summer was adopted by Tygress
52-Versali's Green Ivy was adopted by Tygress
53-Versali's Desperate Now was adopted by DragonFlight
54-Flaming Origami's Little Sunbeam was adopted by Only1jc
55-Versali's ??? was adopted by ???
56-Shadowlands' Nights in White Satin was adopted by Myrror
57-Versali's ??? was adopted by ???
58-Versali's Whatcha Want was adopted by Aylura
59-Versali's Dark Side of the Moon was adopted by Pixie
60-Versali's ??? was adopted by ???
61-Versali's Apache Sunset was adopted by Lexington
62-Versali's Black Magic was adopted by Pixie
63-Versali's ??? was adopted by DragonSpyrit
64-Versali's Souix River was adopted by Lexington
65-Versali's ??? was adopted by DragonSpyrit
66-Versali's Cheyenne Plains was adopted by Lexington
67-Versali's Snowy Hills was adopted by Silvanon
68-Versali's Cloud Jumper was adopted by Silvanon
69-Versali's Tempestuous Rage was adopted by Myrror
70-Versali's Butterfly Speaker was adopted by Lexington
71-Shatterstar's Time Weaver was adopted by Lexington
72-Versali's Desert Star was adopted by Lexington
73-Versali's Lull'd by Soft Zephyrs was adopted by Myrror
74-Versali's Winter's Cloudy Morning was adopted by Myrror
75-Versali's Turned to Alabaster was adopted by Aylura
76-Versali's Smoke 'n Mirrors was adopted by Aylura
77-Versali's Clouds Fading to Grey was adopted by Myrror
78-Versali's Spirit Watcher was adopted by Lexington
79-Versali's Wild Grace was adopted by GryphonIce
80-Versali's True Emotions was adopted by GryphonIce
81-Versali's Shadowed Thoughts was adopted by GryphonIce
82-Versali's Dark Day was adopted by GryphonIce
83-Versali's Forgotten Avalon was adopted by Unyko
84-Versali's Lost Atlantis was adopted by Unyko
85-Versali's Chocolate Raspberry was adopted by Unyko
86-Versali's Storm Warning was adopted by Unyko
87-Versali's Oreo Pie was adopted by Unyko
88-Versali's ??? was adopted by Skysong
89-Versali's ??? was adopted by Skysong
90-Versali's ??? was adopted by Skysong
91-Versali's ??? was adopted by Skysong
92-Versali's ??? was adopted by Skysong
93-Versali's ??? was adopted by Skysong
94-Versali's ??? was adopted by Skysong
95-Versali's ??? was adopted by Skysong
96-Versali's ??? was adopted by Skysong
97-Versali's Feathered Wonder was adopted by GryphonIce
98-Versali's Winter Chill was adopted by Silvanon
99-Silver's Shadowed Snow was adopted by Silvanon
100-Versali's Sweet Cream was adopted by Silvanon
Page Three
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Backgrounds/buttons, graphics, and content are (c) to Raychelle Noel a.k.a JadeEye. Nothing on this site is free clipart. Do not take what is not yours.