Breeding Information|Rules|Adopt|Residents|Fostered|Breeding|Racing and Showing|Messageboard|Contact Extended Breedings Once you create a stable and get it registered, you can arrange an extended breeding. You must use your own ponies unless you have permission to use a pair from another stable. I must have the owner email me PERSONALLY in order for this to be acceptable. To create a stable, read this. Once you have a pair arranged, you must sign the breeding book. Studs and Broodmares If you have a mare but no stallion (or vise versa), you can request use of a stud or broodmare. The stud may come from another stable or Versali. The available studs/broodmares at Versali are located here. Rules 1)Do not sign if you do not have a stable registered! 2)If signing from a pair you do not own, have the owner email me with permission for you to use their pair. 3) A mare can only be bred once per breeding session. 4) Have the pony posted in two weeks. Email me for extentions. 5) If using a broodmare from Versali, make sure no one else has requested use of that mare before you. If using a stud/broodmare from a different stable, please have the owner of the stud/broodmare email me. Information|Rules|Adopt|Residents|Fostered|Breeding|Racing and Showing|Messageboard|Contact Backgrounds/buttons, graphics, and content are (c) to Raychelle Noel a.k.a JadeEye. Nothing on this site is free clipart. Do not take what is not yours. |