Leagi Meadows

An older reddish leagi is partially asleep beside another mare, who grins brightly at you.
"Hullo! Don't mind her. Lawri's always tired," the smaller mare says, grinning at the elderly mare. The elderly mare snorts back.

Name: Lawri
Species: Leagus
Gender: Female
Parents: Unknown
Pri~erd: None

The smaller mare giggles and flicks back her huge ears. "I'm a chibi-leagus...kinda odd isn't it? Call me Midge. Short for Midget." Tee-hee!

Name: Midge
Species: Leagus
Gender: Female
Parents: Unknown
Pri~erd: None

There are still several more leagi about. You head for the next pair.

The EverRealm

The Leagi are (c) to Myrror and the background is (c) to me. Nothing on this site is free clipart.