Oh my, this path seems to go on forever! x.X The surroundings are still the same foresty brown and green. SO. BORING. "Pleh, now you know how I feel when I have to walk from the first leagi meadow to my own," a snide male leagus remarks from behind you. You turn and o.o;. ![]() Name: Phinn Species: Leagus Gender: Male Parents: ??? Pri~erd: None "You're the one who wanted to walk all this way, don't bellyache about how tired you are." Eesh, this leagus is really crabby. x.x Luckily, another leagus stallion comes to the rescue. He snorts at the irrate stallion and then bows to you. "Ignore Phinn. He's not exactly the nicest guy we've got here in the territory. I'm Gail. ![]() Name: Gail Species: Leagus Gender: Male Parents: ??? Pri~erd: None You feel a bit better now, but Phinn keeps throwing you dirty looks so you move on The EverRealm The Leagi are (c) to Myrror and the background is (c) to me. Nothing on this site is free clipart. |